
3 New Products Now Shipping (Sorry About the Technical Difficulties) &#8211

You might have noticed that we’ve been having problems getting three new products up in the store and running smoothly. Well they are now up and available for immediate shipment. We released them simultaneously so you can save on shipping if you planned on buying more than one. Here’s what’s new: ‘Henry Boyd’s Freedom Bed’ …

3 New Products Now Shipping (Sorry About the Technical Difficulties) &#8211 Read More »

Weird Nail Tales &#8211

I wrote about the following trick to reduce splitting when nailing in “The Anarchist’s Design Book.” Since then, I’ve caught flack from people who say it’s not true. So much so that I’ve been doubting my own shop experience. Here’s the problem: When you nail together a piece – especially using cut nails or Rivierre …

Weird Nail Tales &#8211 Read More »

Coming in 2014: The First English Translation of Félibien &#8211

We are pleased to announce that one of the titles we will publish in 2014 is the first English translation of the woodworking sections of André Félibien’s “Princips de l’architecture…,” an important 17th-century book on the craft. “Princips de l’architecture…” was published before  Joseph Moxon’s “Mechanick Exercises,” and its plates were almost certainly copied by …

Coming in 2014: The First English Translation of Félibien &#8211 Read More »

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