
Point of Honour &#8211

In these latter days of war it is sometimes difficult to hold firmly to the vision that was ours in times of peace. We may be craftsmen who once had high standards of accomplishment which the rush and tear of wartime production, or lack of proper materials, have insensibly lowered; or we may simply be …

Point of Honour &#8211 Read More »

Rest for the Weary &#8211

One of two known banners of the Fancy Chair-makers. Illustration from the Memoir prepared for the celebration of the completion of the Erie Canal by Cadwallader D. Colden, 1825. New York Public Library Digital Collections Pride in Craft and Accomplishment The completion of the Erie Canal, the first navigable water link between the Northeast and …

Rest for the Weary &#8211 Read More »

Coming this Summer: Robert Wearing's 'The Essential Woodworker' &#8211

Reading Robert Wearing’s “The Essential Woodworker” was one of three lightning bolts that have struck me since I began woodworking. The first shock was cutting my first perfect dovetail. Then there was the moment when I processed my first board entirely by hand. And the third came one afternoon while I was sitting in my …

Coming this Summer: Robert Wearing's 'The Essential Woodworker' &#8211 Read More »

The Card Table &#8211

The grain-painted card table is a wonderful example of vernacular construction and decoration. This is an excerpt from “Hands Employed Aright: The Furniture Making of Jonathan Fisher (1768-1847)” by Joshua A. Klein.  The grain-painted card table was a surprising new acquisition donated by a descendant of a Blue Hill family. The donor’s family understands that Fisher made the …

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Jim Tolpin &#8211

I suspect that I learned more about math, civics and language from “Schoolhouse Rock!” than I did from school itself. The magic of “Schoolhouse Rock!” is the magic of all good education. That is: It is so engrossing that you don’t realize you are learning heavy and important lessons. Practical geometry is one of those …

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