On a Possum (Belly) Hunt &#8211


I’m in search of a nicely framed, uncluttered, well-lit, high-resolution photograph of a “possum belly” table or cabinet for use in Nancy R. Hiller’s upcoming book, “Kitchen Think.” Ideally, it would be shot from an angle similar to that of the white one shown at bottom right in the Pinterest screen grab above…but look more like the table at top right or the cabinets, and have zinc- or tin-bellied bottom drawers.

If you happen to have such as animal in your home and are willing to help, please email me: fitz@lostartpress.com. And if I get a passel, I’ll put up a post to show them all off. (Note: I’m sure I could find one from an antique dealer — but it would be more fun to get it from you!)

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