‘Woodworking in Estonia’ has Shipped &#8211


Our warehouse has shipped all the pre-publication orders of “Woodworking in Estonia,” which should start arriving in mailboxes in the next five to seven days.

I got my hands on a copy and am really pleased with the printing job. The drawings came out nice and crisp. And the diestamp of the drill on the cover looks even better than I anticipated.

WIE_spine_IMG_5887There are a million people involved in this project to thank, from the Viires family, to David Laaneorg (who first got us in touch with the family), to Mart Aru who translated the text, to Meghan B. who dove into the European-centric design, to Suzanne Ellison, who braved the index, to Peter Follansbee who gave us the first important edit, to Megan Fitzpatrick, who helped me root out every typo we could find.

This book has been a time-consuming and shockingly expensive project for us. And we know this book will never have mass appeal (even in our weird little corner of the world). But we decided to do it because we love this book. It’s a peek at a world of woodworking that gets little or no press. It’s not about dovetails or building handy shelves for the pantry.

It’s an in-depth look at a world where everything revolves around wood and little bits of metal – from the fields to the kitchen to beer tankards.

For those of you who take a chance on this title, we hope you enjoy the book and that it challenges you to try to make some new and interesting forms.

“Woodworking in Estonia” is available in our store for $29. That price includes domestic shipping.

— Christopher Schwarz

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