COVID-19, or Coronavirus, has disrupted everything and among the things we have had to give up is the watch fairs that come to Geneva Switzerland every year. Well, SIHH – now known as Watches & Wonders is set to launch a virtual watch fair for watch enthusiasts, buyers, writers, and more. Once an exclusive event held for a few days, this online experience will be given to everyone equally and will continue on for months to come.

Starting on April 25 at 12pm 30 premier brands will get to showcase their new pieces through dedicated brand pages to bring the same feeling of being in a watch booth. “Opening Day” will have short videos from brand executives to introduce their latest wares and those videos will remain on site permanently. A phase two of the digital watch fair is being planned for the coming months for additional announcements and e-commerce sites for watch fans. This virtual fair will allow watch brands to reach more people than they would at the physical fair, engage a broader audience, and help reduce costs.


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