The Driving Dutchman &#8211


When measuring my car and drawing up the plans for my first Dutch chest, I forgot two things: the handles and the caster assembly.

Which means, as you probably can guess, that the chest does not fit in my car.

After considering all the options – remake the handles, saw the chest in two like a lady at a magic show, going to Home Depot and buying tool bags – I concluded it would be faster (and more fun) to build a smaller Dutch chest.

This one is a mix between the first chest, some other historical examples and one that Roy Underhill owns that I examined last year (read about that chest here).

I also took the opportunity to try some different things in this chest.

1. The top has clamps (breadboard ends). I did this – instead of battens – to make a sawtill that was lower in profile.

2. The removable front panel has battens that extend beyond the bottom edge of the panel. These allow me to use a simpler locking mechanism (more on this later).

3. I used wrought nails from blacksmith Peter Ross. My one-word review: Dang.

Anyway, I’m going to paint this sucker today and will talk more about it in a bit.

— Christopher Schwarz

P.S. Also, I’m going to build a lower unit for this chest – a la campaign furniture – after a suggestion from a reader.

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