LAP Open Wire with Joshua Klein, June 17, 2023 &#8211

Joshua Klein

For this Saturday’s Open Wire, we are delighted to welcome guest host Joshua Klein, editor of Mortise & Tenon Magazine (M&T) and author of “Hands Employed Aright: The Furniture Making of Jonathan Fisher (1768-1847).”

You can ask Joshua about all things M&T, Jonathan Fisher and homesteading in Maine, and about the “new” house he and his family, along with Michael Updegraff (M&Ts associate editor), and the sometimes-help of an army of friends, are re-constructing (it will be the Klein family home when it’s done). Joshua writes:

Besides starting to work on Issue Fifteen (which ships in September), Mike and I have been intensely focused on the restoration of an 1821 hand-hewn timber-frame house that we disassembled and moved to my property. We’ve spent months tackling numerous timber and joinery repairs before raising the whole thing on its new granite foundation. We’ve been chronicling the entire project each weekday at the M&T Daily Dispatch. This house embodies so much of the “art and mystery” of pre-industrial carpentry.

The “Old Jordan House,” now raised (from the Mortise & Tenon website).

You can read a full profile of Joshua here.

I hope you will stop by this Saturday and Joshua a few questions (and I hope Mike might chime in, too!). We are opening up the Open Wire to our authors, and so you can look for more guest hosts in the coming weeks.


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