LAP Open Wire, July 22, 2023 (Me, Again) &#8211

Two comb-backs in red elm on my workbench this morning.

I’m back in Covington after a two-week trip to Scandinavia. So after a couple weeks of guest hosts at the Open Wire (thanks, Monroe and Joel), I’m here today to answer your questions about woodworking or stuff that is going on at Lost Art Press.

Warning: My head is full of cheese. I arrived in America with a bad head cold and an unusual case of Traveling West Jetlag. So I might be a little slow on the uptake

Despite all that, I am happy to be home and back at the LAP HQ. 

Here’s how it works: Type your question in the comment field. I will attempt to answer it. It is that simple.

So here we go…. Note that comments for this entry will close about 5 p.m. Eastern. 

— Christopher Schwarz

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