Health Update on Bean the Shop Cat &#8211

This story has a happy ending. Promise. 

On Christmas Eve, Bean the three-legged shop cat suffered a blockage to his urethra and had to be rushed to the animal hospital. He was in bad shape. His bladder was full and hard, his heart was racing and his bloodwork was troubling. 

The good vets and technicians at MedVet in Cincinnati went to work immediately. They removed the blockage and catheterized him. But his blood – particularly his potassium levels – were in the deadly range. For the next couple days they monitored him, but he was listless. 

On the third day, a switch flipped in his body. His blood returned to normal at a shockingly fast rate. And he was his normal self. The vets removed the catheter, and he immediately became blocked again. So he went to surgery and got a shiny new…hole.

He’s now home and confined to a bedroom without furniture. Downside: cone of shame. Upside: fentanyl patch.

Bean is expected to make a full recovery in the next three weeks. And he will be back to work as our Walmart greeter, smeller of new people’s shoes and lead toolchest investigator. On the other hand, our bank account’s recovery will take much longer. But this is what money is for. 

Long live Bean.

— Christopher Schwarz

P.S. Shoutout to MedVet (it’s a chain of hospitals) and everyone who works there. At every step they did everything right: communication, care, compassion. I hope we never have to use them again.

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