2018 Anarchist’s Gift Guide Begins Tomorrow &#8211


The Anarchist’s Gift Guide begins tomorrow (Nov. 1) on my blog at Popular Woodworking Magazine. The entries will appear every three days through the month of November.

Anarchist’s Gift Guide is a yearly thing I do that recommends mostly small, inexpensive and useful shop items (the least expensive item in this year’s guide is .89 cents). These blog entries are great to email to family members who are asking you what Uncle or Auntie Woodworker wants for Christmas.

Here are the rules: Nothing is sponsored. I purchase all the items myself with my own lunch money. Any manufacturer who asks to be included in the gift guide is automatically disqualified from being in the gift guide. (This disclaimer should give you some ideas about how other “gift guides” are constructed.)

After the gift guide entries, I have four more entries planned for that blog, and then it will end on Dec. 31. Next year’s gift guide will be posted here instead. (Are you saying “huh?” at this point? Read this.)

Hope the Gift Guide is useful, fun or something that makes you yell at your phone.

— Christopher Schwarz

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