
J. Michael Luzier
June 25, 2014

A 50-Year Legacy of Innovation

Having just marked our 50th year in business last week, it seems like a perfect time to look back on some of the key home building innovations our team has helped to gain acceptance in the mainstream by eliminating barriers to market penetration. While there’s probably no one builder who uses all these innovations, I bet most builders use at least one on a regular basis. We’re proud of that legacy.

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Product Testing, Building Products, Building Practices, Building Codes, Energy Performance, Green Building

J. Michael Luzier
May 30, 2014

Conquer Conservative Builder Syndrome: Get Tested!

Product failures happen. Because they do, builders tend to stick with the “tried-and-true” building materials, believing that wise builders don’t get fooled by new product claims. So how do new products break through? Consistently, our research shows the most important factor in a builder’s decision to try a new product is confidence that the manufacturer has done the proper testing and evaluation on the product. Have your products been tested?

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Product Testing, Building Products, Marketing, Building Codes, Energy Performance

J. Michael Luzier
February 6, 2014

Innovation is Our ROI

We are an enigma — a for-profit operating as an independent subsidiary of a non-profit. At the same time, our by-laws outline a corporate mission of research and development aimed at increasing the affordability, and improving the quality and performance of homes nationwide. Our mission appears to belie our for-profit organizing principle, but it actually offers insight into barriers to innovation within the residential construction industry. Find out how we help clients navigate those challenges.

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Building Practices, Building Products, Data and Trends, Marketing

J. Michael Luzier
February 21, 2013

What’s in a Name? More Than You Think!

And I thought it was tough naming my four kids — that was nothing compared to renaming/rebranding our company! Find out a little more about the process that resulted in the NAHB Research Center becoming Home Innovation Research Labs. 

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Marketing, Survey Research

J. Michael Luzier
July 26, 2012

Rockin’ The Suburbs

Suburbia, which has taken its share of criticism from planners, is still the preferred housing location of a majority of households, according to Harvard’s latest state of housing report. Some builders and developers are quieting the suburban critics by doing it right.

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Building Practices, Green Building, Homebuyer Preferences, Marketing

J. Michael Luzier
June 28, 2012

It Takes a Research Center

Moving new technologies into the marketplace is a difficult and daunting task. Usually, the risks are perceived by the private sector to be too excessive given the potential rewards, and opportunities to advance technologies aren’t pursued. That’s where we come in.

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Building Practices, Marketing

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