‘Kitchen Think’ Back in Stock (Plus 2 Reviews) &#8211

Nancy Hiller’s swift-selling “Kitchen Think” is now back in stock in our warehouse and ready for ordering. We ordered lots of copies, so we should have plenty of stock for the coming year.

If you are on the fence about buying Nancy’s book, you might want to read a new review of it in Bloom magazine that states: “Furniture designer and builder Nancy Hiller works as deftly in ink as she does in wood.”

Speaking of reviews, Highland Woodworking’s book reviewer, J. Norman Reid, has a review of “Good Work: The Chairmaking Life of John Brown.” Reid was reluctant to read the book, but gave it a go anyway.

“But I picked up this book somewhat reluctantly, perhaps because it’s a beautiful book, and then something unexpected happened. I got hooked, on the book, yes, but especially on John Brown the man.”

Check out Reid’s full review here.

— Christopher Schwarz

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