Future Pocket Books &#8211

We now have a dedicated page at our store for our popular pocket book series. You can reach it anytime under the Books menu in the store. You’ll also find other helpful collections of books there. Want to know what are our best selling books? It’s there. (We don’t control what is there – it is determined by sales numbers.) 

Also helpful: A page on the books we recommend for people getting started. Green woodworking. Chairmaking. Plus others.

Megan and I are planning out our next pocket books for the series. Here is a short list of ideas we have. If there are any that you really like (or hate) please let us know in the comments. Or if you have an idea for a topic, please share it. (Keep in mind these books have to be pretty narrow in scope. The pocket book of Universal Furniture Design would be impossible. Or horribly inadequate.)

Thanks for your help! We do appreciate it!

Dovetails: Through, Half-blind, Blind & Secret Miter

Mortise-and-Tenon: The Foundation of Civilization

Saw Sharpening: Backsaws & Handsaws

Finishes that Won’t Kill You: Oil, Shellac, Paint & Soap

Mitered Picture Frames

Hardware: Placement & installation

Treen: Turn plates, cups & bowls for eating


Green wood: Felling, splitting & drying lumber

Bench Planes: Setup & Use

Joinery Planes: Setup & Use

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