This Saturday’s Open Wire is with Follansbee &#8211

Author Peter Follansbee (pictured above from a few years ago) is hosting this Saturday’s Open Wire here on the Lost Art Press blog. You can ask him, well, whatever you want. But you’ll get the best answers if you ask about 17th-century-style carving and joinery, birds and beard care.

Follansbee is author of “Joiner’s Work” and co-author (with Jennie Alexander) of “Make a Joint Stool from a Tree“; he also wrote an introduction to the third edition of Alexander’s book “Make a Chair from a Tree.” He recently completed a subscription video series, “Make a Jennie Chair with Peter Follansbee.” He’s now working on his second reproduction of a 1680s chest (his first one is shown below), and writing a book about it (due out from Lost Art Press when it’s done).

He also recently began writing on Substack – you’ll find him at “Follansbee’s Substack.”

I hope you will stop by this Saturday and ask him a few questions. (We’ve opened the Open Wire to our authors, and so you can look for more guest hosts in the coming weeks.)


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