SYP Beams in Benchtop Form &#8211

If you’re in the market for a massive, heavy laminated slab of Southern yellow pine for a workbench top, and can be in Wellman, Iowa, on October 15 for pickup, this news is for you.

The Abraham brothers (the brain trust behind Benchcrafted) have unearthed another cache of Roubo-worthy wood, this time in the form 1960s laminated beams. This stuff is 5-1/4″ thick, 22″ wide and 38′ long – but Jameel and Father John will cut them into 7′-8′ lengths (or whatever else you might want), and load them into your vehicle. Plus they’ll fill you up with bratwurst and offer rides in their vintage Porsches. They’ll also have some Benchcrafted vises on hand for sale.

Two 7′-8′ long chunks are $750 – that’s enough wood to make the bench from “The Anarchist’s Workbench.”

For more info, check out the hashtag #schlabaughbeams on Intsagram, scroll through the @benchcrafted feed for pictures of big wood, or send an email


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