Countdown to 'The Joiner and Cabinet Maker' &#8211

Our printer has informed us that our new book “The Joiner and Cabinet Maker” will ship to us on Oct. 29 or 30, which means we should start shipping all the pre-orders to customers next week.

If you filled out a pre-order form, you will receive an e-mail from us next week where we will get your credit card information and ask if you want to also receive the companion DVD. You can read more about the DVD here.

We’ll be selling this DVD separate from the book for $10. Or you can buy the book bundled with the DVD for $34. And you’ll be able to buy the book alone for $29.

The other fun news is that the first 900 orders for “The Joiner and Cabinet Maker” will also receive a free temporary tattoo, shown on one of my daughter’s arms above. (I would show the tattoo that’s on my arm, but it’s a bit too furry for a family-friendly blog.) The tattoos are 1-1/4″ wide and 2-1/4″ tall. They feature the dividers shown in Joseph Moxon’s “The Art of Joinery.”

And thanks to all of you who have pre-ordered our new book. I think you’re going to enjoy the book as much as we have.

— Christopher Schwarz

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