A Correction to ‘Chairmaker’s Notebook’ &#8211

cn_cover_webThis week we are sending “Chairmaker’s Notebook” by Peter Galbert out for a second printing.

Most of the changes made for the second printing are technical in nature – we adjusted the histogram of several of Peter’s hand-drawn images to darken them.

But there is one significant correction to the content of the book, so I would like to post that here for everyone to download for free.

In Chapter 3, Peter presents two pages of plans for the two chairs he built for the book. Because of a scanning error on my part (not Peter’s), the enlargement percentage shown on the pages of the first printing is incorrect. It should be 545 percent (not 540 percent).

Additionally, the drawings for the underside of the seat and the bending form for the balloon-back were slightly off the correct scale.

I spent the morning trying to figure out how I made this error. My conclusion: I screwed up something while scanning the original drawings.

You can download a pdf of the corrected version of those two pages here:


My apologies for the error.

— Christopher Schwarz

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