Errata: Staked Low Stool in ‘The Anarchist’s Design Book’ &#8211


While building the Staked Low Stool this weekend during a class, I discovered a significant keystroke error in my text. I also noticed an inconsistency between the cutting list and the text.

So yesterday I rebuilt the stool to confirm there weren’t other errors (there weren’t).

Here are the two known errors:

  1. On page 92, the correct resultant angle for the stool is 21°, not 11°.
  2. On page 99, the correct size of the legs is 1-1/2” x 1-1/2”, not 1-3/4” x 1-3/4”.

We will include an errata sheet inside every copy of the expanded “The Anarchist’s Design Book.” That sheet will also include a url for downloading a corrected chapter. The chapter will be updated electronically for customers who purchased the pdf.

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