2019 Anarchist’s Gift Guide, Day 6: First Light Works Bevel Monkey &#8211


Setting a sliding bevel to an exact degree is difficult with a plastic protractor. Depending on the design of the protractor, you usually have to first draw the line you want and then set the bevel to that. So there are two opportunities for error. Plus, setting a bevel to a fraction of a degree is difficult with a plastic protractor intended for school use.

Enter the Bevel Monkey. It’s similar to several other tools on the market, but I like the Bevel Monkey because it is easy to read, is inexpensive and it does one thing only: Set a bevel.

You put the bevel against one edge of the Bevel Monkey and set it to the angle (or fraction of an angle) you want. As a chairmaker, this tool is always on my bench while drilling mortises.

It’s well made. Easy to us. And the perfect size.

— Christopher Schwarz

Disclaimer: We buy all of our tools. We don’t accept advertising or sponsorships. We are not part of any affiliate program. We don’t make any money if you buy these items. We just like these tools.

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